Plant a Tree - Growing Trees Network
At, we have teamed up with the non-profit organization, Growing Trees Network, to make a positive impact on our planet. With a focus on afforestation in Denmark, South America, and Africa, their mission is to promote clean water, climate protection, and reduce CO2 emissions. By establishing new forests, we not only improve the environment but also provide a socio-economic boost to local communities, creating jobs and offering access to food sources. By supporting this initiative, we're aligned with several of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and we're proud to invite our customers to join us in our efforts. We believe that trees and green plants are essential for a healthy ecosystem, and that's why we offer our customers the opportunity to donate towards planting trees. You can easily add "Plant a Tree with Growing Trees Network" to your cart for just £2 and add as many trees as you wish. Every contribution counts and together we can make a significant impact on our planet's future.
Click here for more information about Growing Trees Network.
Safe Community Water Supply – South Pole
Another project that we support is the certified South pole project "Safe Community Water Supply". As a result of the low quality of the water in Rwanda it is not safe drink and can result in severe health issues for communities. In order to obtain clean drinking water, the water must either be boiled over inefficient indoor bonfires or people have to travel long distances to access clean water. The inhaling of smoke from the fires and the long distances increases the risk of severe illnesses as well. The "Safe Community Water Supply" project restores and repairs existing boreholes to create Rwandan communities with clean drinking water. The purpose is to eliminate the need to boil water over fire for purification. This means that families do not need to spend time or money to get firewood. In addition to this, the project significantly reduces greenhouse emissions as well as deforestation by eliminating the need to boil water. By supporting this project, we're not only improving health outcomes in Rwandan communities, but also contributing to the 6th Sustainable Development Goal to provide clean drinking water for all. Join us in making a positive impact on our world by supporting this vital project.
For more information about this project, click here.

Cookstoves for Maasai Communities – South Pole
Last but certainly not least, we are supporting another certified South pole project, the "Cookstoves for Maasai Communities ". The project concerns the Maasai people located in a large area in the South of Kenya and northern Tanzania. It is a traditional people who have maintained many of their age-old customs and preserved their unique culture. Including cooking over an open fire. This however has the consequence that women and children to significant amounts of smoke, which can result in severe health issues. Furthermore, it does emit several tons of CO2-emissions at the same time. The project distributes cookstoves to the Maasai Communities, and the project has already distributed over 5.500 efficient cookstoves to replace cooking over open fire. The cookstoves reflect traditional wood-burning stoves methods, however, it needs 66% less firewood and reduce smoke emissions enormously which improves the overall health of the communities. Another advantage of the project is that the demand for wood continues to decrease which preserves the Mau forest - the biggest forest in East Africa.
We are happy to support this project at it both reduces health related complications among the Maasai community but also to support the preservation of forest areas, while reducing the CO2-emissions at the same time.
For more information about this project, click here.

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