Bioethanol Suite Fireplaces
Traditional fireplace converted into a bioethanol fireplace. Classic mantel fireplaces are traditional in England, where they are also known as a British fireplace. These large and beautifully patterned fireplace mantels are charming and opulent at the same time.
Here you can find a bio fireplace that suits you - the one which can be found in the vast majority of British homes. A traditional fireplace mantel stove transformed into a modern, eco friendly bioethanol fire!
There are also a free standing bioethanol fireplace page where various other fires can be found. This page is great for those looking for versatile fireplaces capable of being moved around more easily than suite fireplaces.
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Read all about traditional mantel bioethanol fires here
Decorate your Home Using a Classic Bioethanol Fireplace
A classic bioethanol fireplace will be a beautiful addition to any home as well as a supplemental heating source in the colder months.
At Bioethanol-fireplace.co.uk we offer several different models and designs in order to offer you the fireplace that best suit your home and surroundings. All of our bio fireplaces can be embellished with decorations; such as ceramic wood and stone that will give your fireplace a natural look.
Traditional Bioethanol Fireplace in Classic Designs
Our bioethanol fireplaces are an amazing replacement for the traditional wood burning stove. Bio fires do not require a chimney or exhaust system and are therefore more eco friendly. The fireplace does not produce any soot or smoke – so it is possible to enjoy the beautiful flames with no hassle.
If you yearn for yet another example of a traditional appearance, look into the bio ethanol grate. These models combine classic beauty with compact, innovative function; all brought together to establish a truly remarkable product. These fires are easy to handle and are often popular with those new to owning fireplaces.
Is the Bio Fireplace Supposed to be Placed Up Against a Wall?
These types of bio fireplaces are not required to be placed against a wall - they can stand against a wall or not.
Perhaps in most homes placing a biofuel fireplace against a wall is the most natural thing to do. However, we see all kinds of creative solutions - if it makes sense, these fireplaces do not even have to be freestanding on a floor.
This being said, placing an ethanol fireplace against a wall is the most common and natural way to place a fireplace. Despite their size, these bioethanol fireplaces are more flexible than, for instance, the wall mounted fireplace models. The wall hung models must be mounted with screws and if they are removed they will of course leave a few holes in the wall.
As something rather special, you can get the bio fireplace with a security grid placed on the front. If you are familiar with bioethanol fires, you probably know that the flame must not be completely closed off as it needs oxygen.
Because of this, no ethanol fireplaces, indoor or outdoor, are sealed off with glass.
It is also possible to get an Opti-Myst fireplace that uses water vapour and electricity instead of ethanol to place against a wall.
These are often integrated in the fireplace frames and can be controlled by a remote control. Electric fireplaces are also often seen when it comes to fireplaces like these and only require power from a standard power outlet.
A gas fireplace, however, is not the standard model that is requested, as it demands a vent that must be constructed into the home. Therefore, these types of fireplaces are normally manufactured upon request.
Can Decorations be Placed on top of the Ethanol Fireplace?
We often see our customers get creative when decorating their ethanol fireplace frames with all types of beautiful decorative objects. This is possible because the fireplace does not get particularly hot on top.
These kind of fireplaces for bioethanol are typically equipped with a smaller firebox that does not radiate a lot of heat but still creates a wonderful atmosphere. Therefore, customers often place candles, vases, or small baskets on top of the frame.
The unique feature of our classic models is that while they are a large and conspicuous structure, however, they provide a cosy atmosphere with the beautiful flames they produce.
Especially around Christmas time, we often receive a wide range of pictures of families gathered around their bioethanol fireplace. It is the customer's own interior and decorative objects that provide the cosy nature of the bio fireplace.
We would also like to recommend the joyous addition of an ethanol tabletop fireplace in your home. Have you ever wanted to bring forth wondrous high quality flames multiple places in your home? Perhaps the beauty of candle lights already appeals to you and you merely wish to bring it up an aesthetic nudge; look no further than here. These tabletop fireplaces can be utilised limitlessly for the same type of decorative magnificence and are incredibly self-suficient in terms of maintenance.
How Much Does A Freestanding Bio Ethanol Fireplace Cost?
The price is often crucial when it comes to purchasing a freestanding bio ethanol fireplace. These fireplaces tend to vary a lot price wise, beginning at approximately £499 and ending at about £2999.
The end price is often calculated with all accessories included as these are wanted for the fireplace. The customer purchasing such a bio fireplace often buys accessories, such as ceramic decoration wood to make the fireplace as authentic as possible.
We associate these fireplaces with real woodburning stoves - that is why the flames are often decorated with artificial wood. Without the wood, the bio fires can appear more stylish, whereas the decorative wood makes the bio ethanol fires more "authentic".
Furthermore, we see various different set-ups where the customer have accessories next to the bioethanol fire in order to make it seem more natural. Creativity can run free when it comes to decorating these bio fires in all of their environments.
More Questions?
If you have further questions or are wondering whether a project is possible or not, feel free to get in touch with us!
Remember the many variations of these fireplaces - electric fireplace, Opti-Myst water vapour fireplaces, and outdoor gas fireplaces - as well as all of our other fireplaces, such as the Cocoon models, and various outdoor fireplaces. We are eager to help with inquiries!
You may contact us by e-mail, phone, live chat, Facebook, or on social media.
Exquisite Variations For Bioethanol Suites
If there is one thing the Suites offer for certain, it is the true and absolute aesthetic of classic fireplaces. These designs are among some of the most beloved in the whole world and it truly is understandable when the craftmanship is taken into consideration. These fireplace suites are unrivaled in beauty and can be used for quite some time without significant maintenance. As long as the amount of fuel used is appropriate and the basic level of cleaning takes place around the frame of the fireplace, there is nothing capable of stopping this wondrous fire from emitting a lantern of bright orange attraction in your home.
The bioethanol suite fireplaces were some of the most magnificent products we have ever had the privilege of offering to our customers and we are always happy to discuss the various benefits of owning one. To the right, you can see merely one example of the immaculate appearance which all suites live up to. The placement of these fireplaces in one's home stand the test of time and are practically always a prevalent addition in the living room, for example. Feel free to contact us to learn more about these models or if there is a specific type of suite by a manufacturer of which you are looking for.