Glass for Bioethanol Fireplaces
Pick up a glass for your DIY project of bioethanol fireplace. Different widths and heights of the glass will make it easier for you to find the perfect one. You can either choose the clean, full glass or the one with ready made holes on both ends. It is also possible to buy a glass and simply add it to your existing fireplace by adding some stems to it.
Glass is a perfect solution for a family with children or pets who cannot keep their hands/paws from the fire. The glass will perfectly cover it and make the fireplace safer. It will also make your fireplace look more elegant and stylish.
If you are looking for a replacement glass for one of our pre-built fireplaces or branded fireplaces, please contact our customer service, and we will be happy to help you.
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Does the glass impact the bio ethanol fire flame?
Yes, safety glass does have an impact on the bio ethanol fire flame. A bioethanol fire needs oxygen to work properly - that is why it is not possible to completely seat an ethanol fire with safety glass. Only one bioethanol fire is completely sealed off with glass. It is manufactured by Planika Fires, and is called FLA 3 Suite Logs. This specific fireplace has a very special construction and also requires a number of accessories and separate ventilation.
The same bio ethanol burner can burn different depending on how the glass is fitted for the fireplace. For example, a standard round bioethanol tabletop fireplace, the glass would rest directly on the side of the burner itself. In such a case, where the flame opening is large, lack of oxygen may cause the flames to rise because they lack oxygen at the bottom of the bioethanol fire. The flames will seek out at the top of the bioethanol fire, and may appear unregulated. This can be remedied by adding air circulation beneath the glass, for example by placing the glass on certain glass holders or feet.
When it comes to a freestanding fireplace for outdoor use on a terrace or in a garden, these fireplaces are quite exposed to wind, and wind has an impact on a bio ethanol burner. The flames will appear unstable.
It is often seen that bio ethanol freestanding table fireplaces are framed with glass, as they are typically taken outside during summer. This includes round, square, and rectangular models. They are available in many designs and colours - the most popular being black, white, and steel.
In cases where customers have purchased, or wish to purchase, an ethanol fireplace without a desired safety glass, we often see inquiries about whether it is possible to raise the glass or completely seal the side with glass. People, and especially parents with young children and pet owners, often request to shield the flame as much as possible. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, but there are a number of alternatives and intermediate solutions. Please contact us if you have a specific request.
Safety for your bioethanol fireplace
If you are not completely comfortable with a fully open bioethanol fireplace, it is possible to add safety glass to your ethanol fireplace. However, a bio fuel fire needs oxygen, so it is not possible to close it off completely with glass. The safety glass should make you feel safer with your bioethanol fire and you will not have to worry about children getting too close to the flames.
Safety should always be the number one priority, and because of that, we would like to mention the use of acoustic wall panels as well. They are not essential to fulfilling a safe bioethanol fireplace, but to some, they make it easier to install non-flammable panels beneath to fully protect the surrounding area of your fireplace.
If you wish to make the process of pouring bioethanol and igniting the fireplace easier, we also recommend bioethanol fireplace start kits. These bundles bring you all you need to get started with your own fireplace and add an extra layer of authenticity to the decorative elements of the fire, as well as protecting you from having to get too close to the flames when turning it off manually.
How to mount the glass to your bioethanol fireplace
The installation of safety glass for your bioethanol fireplace depends on the type of glass you are looking for. Even within the fireplace category, there are different types of installation:
- Glass for bioethanol fireplace
- Flat glass with glass holders screwed into the surface
- Wall mounted fireplace with mounting brackets
- Glass for installation in full-length built-in bioethanol fireplace with two glass holders at the top and bottom
Should you be in doubt, feel free to contact us, and we will be happy to help you.