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Prometheus PB wall hanging bioethanol fireplace from Safretti.
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Narrow bio fireplace from Safretti
Stylish fireplace that is not just a burner hidden behind the usual steel cover. A burning time of 8-10 hours in a 1.7 litre burner is rarely seen in the bio fireplace industry. Its unique form creates a very economical bio fireplace while the design speaks for itself. Prometheus PB can be installed in any environment and it is often seen in living rooms or restaurants where an exclusive design is desired.
- Well-designed bio fireplace
- 1.7 litre burner
- Up to 8-10 hours burn time
- Brackets
- Electricity not required
Safretti is a Dutch producer who produces fireplaces designed by renowned European designers. They are characterised by their exclusive and stylish design combined with a prolonged burn time.
Bioethanol Burner
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