How to find the biofire that suits you
Choosing the right bio ethanol fire can be a difficult task. Over the past years, the popularity of modern fireplaces has been rising along with the variety of bio fireplaces. Nowadays they are designed in all kinds of different models and sizes. With such a great selection, one can easily become overwhelmed and confused. To aid you in your decision-making process, we have written this guide to provide a quick overview of the different types of bio fires.
You can navigate through our full range of bioethanol fires here:

Wall-mounted bio fireplaces
In this category, as the name already suggests, all the fireplaces are designed to be hanged on the wall or onto other places, for example from the ceiling. For a long time, this has been our most popular category as they usually do not require a lot of space and are extremely easy to mount and install.
All our wall-mounted bio fireplaces come with and heat-isolating backplate and can be mounted anywhere regardless of if the wall consists of stone, concrete, wood, or anything else. All you need to be aware of is whether the wall can carry the bio fireplace’s weight.
Freestanding biofires
In most of the cases, a freestanding biofireplace requires a bit more space than a wall-mounted model. The models in this category are standing by themselves like a piece of furniture. This way they have a bigger impact on the room, creating an even nicer and cosier atmosphere.
These models rarely need any assembling, which means that once you get it, they are ready to be used. It also means that they can be adapted to your needs, as it is very easy to move them according to your wishes. Eventually you might only need to mount a leg or maybe add the glass.
Most of the freestanding biofireplaces are designed to look like an ordinary fireplace. So even if you cannot have a chimney, you can get a very similar experience as if you would have with a traditional fireplace.
See our selection of freestanding bioethanol fires here
Tabletop biofires
The small biofireplaces function comparable to the freestanding biofires, however, they are much smaller. Therefore, they are appropriate to set on a table, a bookcase, or a windowsill. This category is also usually cheaper than the rest, which means that it is possible to find a table biofireplace for less than 60 GBP.
A small biofireplace can also be used as an alternative to candles where it offers charming warmth while providing a beautiful lively fire. A table biofireplace will also be a success on the terrace table on a summer evening after sunset.
Biofireplace inserts
This category covers two kinds of biofireplaces: (1) The insert with the whole structure and (2) bioethanol burners. Both of them have in common that they require a little more work than the other categories before they are ready to be used.
For the inserts with a frame, you receive all the necessary parts to put up the fireplace, but you still need to find out how to install the insert into the wall. However, this is probably the easiest option if you want an inserted biofireplace as the burner is produced with a prefixed frame.
If you choose a bioethanol burner you will need to install everything (frame etc.) except for the burner. This also means that it is possible to choose the size and the design of the biofireplace yourself. As this is a bigger project we, at, recommend to always hire a craftsman to do the job if you are not an experienced DIY-person. This way, you will be sure to have a nice result for your long-lasting and unique biofireplace.
Which fireplace should I choose?
The answer? It depends! It depends on your needs, expectations, the amount of money you are willing to spend, and the size of your room. Do you have a limited amount of space but you still desire the charm of an open fire? Then you could choose a small wall-mounted or a table biofireplace. Do you have a big room instead where you would like to fill up some space with a beautiful and useful piece of furniture? In that case the best solution might be a free-standing biofireplace.
Do you have the courage to jump into a DIY-project to install a fireplace into a wall or an existing fireplace? Then you have the possibility to insert a biofireplace in your wall that always is an elegant addition to any house or room.
Also read: Bioethanol fireplace safety and fire risks
Also read: Bioethanol fire pits