Foco Corner - Built-in Corner Bioethanol Fireplace
Here you find the selection of corner built-in bioethanol fireplaces in the Foco fireplace series.
The fireplace is designed to be built into an outgoing corner in a wall and gives you the possibility to see the flames from two connected sides.
Foco Corner is available both as a right and left facing model. It is VERY important to order the correct model since the orientation of the fireplace cannot be changed.

Foco Corner Right Sizes
Foco Corner Right is the right-facing model. This means that it is the front and the right side which is open when you are facing the fireplace.
See all standard Foco Corner right sizes below. For custom made sizes, please contact our customer service.
Foco Corner Left Sizes
Foco Corner Left is a left-facing model, meaning that the front and left side of the fireplace is open when you are facing the fireplace.
See all the standard Foco Corner Left models below. For a custom made Foco Corner frame contact our customer service here.
Foco Corner - All available sizes
1-2 weeks
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